Zodingliana Ralte
Zodingliana Adinga Ralte
Defender Zodingliana Ralte plays for Mohammedan and has featured in every one of their four Indian Super League games in 2024/2025, starting in all four. Ralte last appeared in a league game on October 5, playing 90 minutes for Mohammedan versus Mohun Bagan Super Giant in a 3-0 loss. He has been booked once. Up next for Mohammedan in Indian Super League action is a home match against Kerala Blasters FC on October 20. Ralte played 22 I-League games last season for Mohammedan, scored one goal and provided two assists. Before joining Mohammedan in June 2023, Ralte made 19 league appearances in total at Aizawl, providing one assist.
age 29
Height 174 cm