Sandesh Jhingan
Sandesh Jhingan
Defender Sandesh Jhingan plays for FC Goa and hasn't been involved in any of the four Indian Super League matches that his team have played so far in 2024/2025. Jhingan last made an appearance in a league game on December 29, 2023, playing 90 minutes for FC Goa versus NorthEast United FC in a 1-1 draw. Up next for FC Goa in Indian Super League action is a home match against Mumbai City FC on October 19. Jhingan played 10 Indian Super League games last season for FC Goa and scored one goal. Jhingan switched to FC Goa in August 2024 from Bengaluru FC, for whom he made 22 league appearances in total.
age 31
Height 186 cm